Dating Older Women: 22 Reasons It Appeals To Younger Guys

Personally, I think it is odd that some of the people here consider 50 to be old. I guess it is a state of mind, you can be old at any age if you choose to. Anyway, I guess I am happy if most men in my age group decide to date down in age.


Old man while they getting older sick and many benefits blah blah. Please when you are getting old in realistic actually women happy and willing to divorce. Please be realistic if you really have someone woman at 50s 60s love you care of you .

Men expect women to be physically attractive and to take care of their appearance.

I lost my wife and kids, and the house, and half my 401k, and half my income for 10 years, because I was selfish at the beginning of my marriage, not because women used to be different. I am taking responsibility for my actions and accepting that part of the result of being unfaithful, even if it was 23 years ago, is that you will be alone. I’m not going to sit around and be sad but at the same time I’m not going to go out and find the next woman to “fix” me. I want to be happy with who I am and that is going to take some time. I’m so sorry you and a lot of men on here feel that women are nasty. I couldn’t be nicer, more open, more flexible and happy with life and yet I can’t find a partner.

Too young, too old, too fat, too thin, make to much money, don’t make enough, too “needy”, not needy enough. What about early 40s, never been married and zero children, do not want children ever, and do not care whether or not I ever marry, or just have a years long relationship unmarried? Thats a category of people I know for women, myself included. Well, I may not need a man to rescue me financially or help raise children, but I not only need a partner, I want a partner.

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I think an indication of the age of the person is still important for us mature adults. No need to state age preferences if not wanted but at least it gives a bit more ideal about a person than can be provided in the limited profiles. Let’s stop blaming the other gender for our problems and just get our own lives under control. Men, if you are single, stay celibate. Let women know you are waiting for the right one and don’t believe any crap like “if you don’t use it you will lose it”. I went two years without sex at the end of my marriage and yes it took awhile to get things going again.

If it doesn’t move forward by then, I will move on. I don’t want to waste investing my time loving someone that just wants a girlfriend for the rest of his life. I am attractive and look young for my age. I’m smart, funny, down to earth, loyal, and affectionate. I don’t care what a man does for work or what car he drives. And I do not have a weight problem.

And it is really very common when an age gap is 5-15 years. There are also demographic reasons for that. There are more men than women in Eastern Europe.

For us older men who still have a strong sex drive and good functioning equipment that can be frustrating. Woman need emotional connection to stay connected. Men need sexual attention to complete the connection. Finding a non-sexual partner seems to be less of a problem, a lot of nice men suffer from erectile dis-function and might welcome an older partner. For single men the options are plentiful.

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I’m not 50 yet and my kids have been out of home for some time having had them young, but I would never go out with an older man. You want someone who cares about you, not who sees you as an accessory. That’s my situation, too, but with a twist. I’m 53, never been married, no kids, and have had both casual and long-term relationships with men.

Not a younger woman but in his mind a woman of more status. When she confronted him on the cheating he threw it back on her like you are fat etc. She ended leaving him and really had no shortage of men who came her way.